Does Girth Really Determine Worth?

Does girth determine our worth?

Does your waist girth – or any other physical characteristic – dictate our worth?

How often do we feel inadequate or unloved because of our weight, height, hair color, skin color, foot size, nose size, number of freckles, eye color or any other of our physical characteristics?

Or how often do we feel worth more than others because they have a “lesser” physical appearance that we have?

On what standard do we measure worth?

If you struggle with ‘girth determining worth‘ I’d like to offer God’s perspective.

God’s yardstick for determining worth is not your physical appearance. God determines worth on one fact–that He created you. God loves us well, just because.

Like I ask my 5-year-old granddaughter Ashlyn, “who loves you more than I do?”


Me. “Why?”

“Because He made us.”

What can we learn about God’s love from the Bible?

Genesis 1:26 tells us that God created us in His own image. Can you imagine that He would consider His own image as not worthy of love?

“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” (NIV).

Genesis 1:31 tells us that everything God made was good, in fact it was very good – that means us!

“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good…” (NIV).

Yes this does seem too simple, but in fact that is the bottom line. We are loved – by our creator – regardless how the mirror tells us we are not.